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Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)

The privacy and integrity of communication relies on secret keys. Key-establishment mechanisms use asymmetrical ciphers and algorithms like RSA and Diffie-Hellman ...
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Post-quantum cryptography (PQC)

The computational power of emerging quantum computers poses a threat to many classical cryptographic systems. Public key cryptography and signature algorithms that are currently in use are no longer secure ...
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Mission-critical networks

Information security is a major challenge for critical infrastructure and operators of essential services. Established protection mechanisms are increasingly at risk ...
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Secure cloud infrastructure

Increasing cyber risks pose a significant threat to critical infrastructures, public authorities and businesses. In this digital era, highly secure and efficient networks ...
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Layer 1 encryption

Fiber-based high-speed communication networks are crucial for essential services, governments and defense, as they transport huge amounts of mission-critical data ...
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